Proposal Penelitian “Improving Students Students Writing Skill By Using Recitation Method At Ten Grade The State Senior High School 11 Tebo”
Name :
Arif Ridiawan
Students Number :
TE. 11 0551
Faculty/ Department :
Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training
Title :
“Improving Students
Students Writing Skill By Using Recitation Method At Ten Grade The State Senior
High School 11 Tebo”

English language is one of foreign
language. It becomes very important in education aspect. Because English
language including to several language lesson in our country. And there are
several functions of foreign language: a. international communication and study
of language, b. language as a system of communication, c. the most complex of
man’s tool, d. each language is structurally different system.
As a international language, it is used
to communicate among people in the different country. However, it can be an
important to that it should be learned by the students.
In our country, English learned since
elementary school. Because English is not our native language, the students are
difficult to learn it, based on that statement, English taught with many
methods to make student easily to learn English as their second language. One
of method that helps the students to master English is by using a recitation
We know that English not our native
language, as a fact that mastery it is not easy. The components and skill of
English language is important for language learner. The components include
grammatical structure, phonology, vocabulary and pronunciation that can give
the effect to the English-language skills; such as listening, reading, speaking
and writing. Writing is the written productive language skill. It refers to the
ability to communicate to the reader with the written language. Reading is refers
to produce the spoken language. Listening is the receptive spoken. It refers to
the ability to understand the spoken language. It is the skill of a listener or
group of listener to interpret information transferred by the speaker. Speaking
is the spoken productive language. It refers to produce spoken language. It the
skill of speaker to communicate the information to the listener.
In writing, students have to know about
grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, sentence sequence, sentence connection.
Sometimes the students could speak English fluently but they did not definite
understand in Writing or making essay.
But in fact, most Indonesian students
could not learn English well, especially in Writing. It is usually indicated
when they write paper or thesis in English. Many students make mistake when
they write essay. Not all students had some ability in pouring the ideas when
they write essay, it is because they do not have interest in studying writing
This is also happens at The State Senior
High School 11 Tebo, they ought to write an essay, but many students got many
problems, namely: they have much
vocabulary but they could not pour it into a written text. Students less
vocabulary so they can’t write, they do not master in grammar, and many
students were not interested in writing. Because writing activity was
considered bored, and they seldom practice writing in English.
The researcher did observation at The
State Senior High School 11 Tebo. The researcher found some problems related to the instructional
activities at the school. Those problems are that: the students have low
writing ability, the students have low motivation in learning English, and the
teacher still uses monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique. So,
probably, it was caused by students’ uninterested in lesson, because there is
not variation in teaching English from teacher. The teachers should implement
an appropriate method to improve students’ ability. One way to improve students
writing skills is the students have to be more active than the teacher and the
students also have to be coincident. It can be tired recitation method. By
using recitation method, the researcher would like to the researcher the Ten
Grade Students of State Senior High School 11 Tebo as subject of this
Based on explanation above, researcher
is interested to do a research entitle “Improving Students’ Writing Skill By
Using Recitation Method To Ten Grade The State Senior High School 11 Tebo”.
The Identification of the Problem
Problem to be addressed in this research is
how can be obtained by using recitation method in learning to improv students
writing skill to Ten Grade The State Senior High School 11 tebo.
Delimitation of the Problem
In order to be more effective, efficient, and focus to the research of the
problems namely: Application Recitation Method in teaching writing to improve
writing skill at Ten Grade of the State Senior High School 11 Tebo academic
year 2014/2015.
The Formulation of the Problem
Based on the
background mentioned, the problem research is to know the students’ writing
skill through Recitation Method. So, the writer thinks the problem is:
“How can Recitation Method improve students’ Writing skill at Ten
Grade of the State Senior High School 11 Tebo?”
E. The Purpose and Significant of Research
The purpose of this research is:
To know whether the Recitation Method can improve students’
writing skill in English at Tent Grade of the State Senior High School 11 Tebo.
To help students in improve English language.
To be requirement for writer to get Tiered Master title One (S1)
on Tadris majors (English language) IAIN STS Jambi.
The result of this research is expected to give contribution to
teacher, students and other researcher. The significance of the studies are:
For the writer (researcher)
By using this method perhaps to
researcher will get one solution to evaluate. The researcher will know what the
advantages are by using recitation method in teaching English language. And
next time, researcher will choose this method as one of solution to evaluate.
For the teacher
Teacher can evaluate clearly what the
result of teaching English language uses the recitation method. This research
can be given to the teacher as variation in teaching English language.
For the student
This research as presence to increase
students interest in learning English language with enjoyable and can be used
to broaden and develop.
A. Theory of Writing
1. Nature of writing
2. Definition of Writing
B. Recitation Method
C. Descriptive Text
D. Relevant Studies
Design of Research
This research used Classroom Action
Research (CAR). The researcher used a collaborative action research in which
the researcher and one of other English teacher conducted thus research. In
this case the researcher and collaborative teacher become a team work who
worked together for solving the problem in teaching speaking. The researcher in
this as the teacher to teach in the class room to apply this strategy and the
English teacher as the collaborator.
Types and Sources of data
Type of data
The types of data taken in
classroom action research are as follows:
Qualitative data about the activities of students and the teachers
in the classroom.
Quantitative data about student’s learning outcomes in the end of
each cycle.
Sources of data
Sources is
data in this study consisted of several sources they are: the head master,
teachers and students, situation and conditions and documented of the State Senior
High School 11 Tebo.
Setting and Subjects of Research
Setting of research
action research was conducted at the State Senior High School 11 Tebo
English subject at class X academic year 2014/2015.
Subject of research
The subject
are students X at the State Senior High School 11 Tebo consist of 40 students.
Research Procedure
The procedure of this
Classroom Action Research is adapted from Kemmis and Mc Taggart. This type of
research comprises four stages, followed procedure by preliminary study,
planning the action, implementing the action, and reflecting the action.
1. Planning the Action
In relation to the application of
Collaborative Action Research. The researcher and the collaborator had
preparation prior the implementation of the section based on the result of the
preliminary study, at this stage, both of them prepared a suitable Numbered
Heads Together Strategy in improving writing skill, designing the lesson plan,
and determining the indicators of the performance.
2. Implementing the Action
After completing all preparation in planning, then
researcher Come to the phase implementing the action. The follow:
Teachers used scenario that will be performed.
Teachers motivated the students
Teachers give a clear instructional goal of lesson
d) Teachers explain the
meaning of the questioning the author strategy and the step of using this strategy
in writing English.
Teachers give exercise to
the students.
3. Observing the Action
In the classroom, the collaborator
observes and monitors the implementation of the action directly to observe the
students responses and interaction on learning process from first time of
teaching learning process until end. The collaborator seen, listened that
happen in the classroom, the make a checklist students writing and make a notes
which are not covered in the observation checklist during the teaching.
4. Reflection
This phase intended to consider a whole
action that has been done, according to the data collected, afterwards, being
done evaluation in other improve on the next action. (Arikunto: 2012, 80).
Steps that done by teacher are:
a. Analyze students’ activity
when learning process by using instrument of observation.
b. Analyze students’ respond
and result of study.
c. Analyze Recitation Method
that used is effective or not.
d. Determine the next step or
way to upgrade the result of this action.
E. Technique and Instrument of
Collecting Data
Based on the activities done for action
research, the researcher will collect the data from test, questionnaire and
observation checklist.
1. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is the number of written questions used to
Information from
respondents in terms of personal reports about, or things
That he knew.
“Questionnaires is data collected is
done by giving a set of questions or written statement for the respondents to
answer. The data collection instrument also called the questionnaires.
Prepare questionnaire to
get comment or response from students about using questioning the Author
strategy in writing English. Questioner will give to students at the end of the
2. Observation checklist
The data will be collected by using
observation. Observation is the way to collects the data or information with
observe and make a field note in systematically to an event as an observation
aim. The activities are related to the teaching way of teacher, study of
student, the leader of school, and etc. This method is used to express the data
that can observe relate with the classroom activities and development directly.
It will be used by collaborator to collect the information during teaching and
learning process in the classroom.
To know the percentage of the students
who do of the listed activities, the following formula is used.
3. Test
Suharsimi Arikunto (2010:193) that “test is a series of question or exercise
and other tools used to measure skill knowledge or intelligence, ability or
talent possessed by individual or group.
conducted each and the cycle, it is intended to measure students’ result
obtained after administration of the action. One a way to view assessment is
through various rating checklist or grids that can indicate to students their
areas of strength and weakness, and in many cases such taxonomies are scoring
rubrics. It is a typical list of general categories that are often the basis
for the evaluation of students writing.
In this research, the test is asking
the students to write and writing about descriptive text. Asking the students
to make their writing by using the generic structure of descriptive text.
In evaluating the students’ skill in descriptive, the researcher
will use in scoring of composition profile proposed by J.B Heaton. The criteria
of scoring of composition are described as the following table:
Scoring Rubric
Knowledge, substantive,
Some knowledge of
subject adequate range, etc
Limited knowledge of
subject, little substantive
Does not show knowledge
of subject, non substantive, etc
Fluent expression, ideas
clearly stated, etc
Somewhat choopy, loosely
Non fluent, ideas
confused of disconnected
Does not communicative
no organization
Effective word
Occasional error of word
Error of word
Little knowledge of
English vocabulary
Language focus
Effective complex
Effective but simple
Major problem in simple
Virtually no mastery of
sentences construction roles
Demonstrates mastery of
sentences construction
Occasional error of
spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Frequents error
spelling, punctuation and capitalization
No mastery of
conversations, dominated by error of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
Data Analysis
The stages of interactive analysis applied in this research are
data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Each of the stages is presented
in the following.
Data reduction
Data reduction is a stage of summarizing, classifying, and
focusing on essential things. In this stage, the researcher needs to separate
the accurate data from the in accurate ones. Through the data reduction, the
research may focus on the data that will be analyzed.
Data display
Data display is a stage of organizing the data into pattern of
relationship. The data display can make the collected data easier to be
understood. In this stage, the researcher presents the narrative text.
In this stage, the researcher makes a conclusion. The conclusion
can be in a form of thick description. The conclusion is the answer of the
research problem that has been formulated.
Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue. 2007. Introduction to Academic
Writing. US of America: PEARSON Longman
Heaton.J.B (1975). Writing Language Test. Londen. Longman Grup
Keith S. Folse. 2002. Great Essays An introduction to Writing
Essays. Boston: HEINLE CENGAGE Learning
Roestiyah. 2008. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Rineka Cipta
Syaiful, Bahri. 2010. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta. Rineka
Syaiful, Sagala. 2003. Konsep Dan Makna Pembelajaran. Bandung.
Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif,
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Suharsimi, Arikunto dkk. 2012. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta.
Bumi Aksara
ini quantitatif atau kualitatif
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